Dr. H, Rittler
Anichstrasse 42
A-6020 Innsbruck

Tel: +45 512 585874
Fax: +43 512 585874-74
E-mail: dr.harald@rittler.at

The Austrian law firm Rittler based in Innsbruck, capital of the Tyrol, is permitted to handle judicial affairs in all courts in Austria.
We are experienced in general, civil, penal and contract law and we maintain close connections with leading European insurance companies.
Dr. Harald Rittler is the specialist in the following areas:

Purchase and selling of real estate in Austria;
Corporal and material damage in traffic and ski accidents; 
Insurance law and liability;
Penal law.
Do you know that ....
For further enquiries you may contact us at the address mentioned in the left margin or via E-mail: dr.harald@rittler.at
under certain conditions it is possible to purchase land in Tyrol ?
under Austrian law large sums can be demanded in ski and traffic accidents including huge claims for vindictive damage?
Ausrian fees for lawyers are legally fixed?
the fist general consultation at Rittler is free of charge?